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Symbolism of the Circle and its importance in Witchcraft

Updated: Apr 2, 2020

"God is a circle, whose center is everywhere, and circumference is nowhere."

- Hermes Trismegistus

The casting of the circle is a very important in many practices and traditions. But why specifically the shape of the circle? Historically, all naturally-occurring shapes have symbolic meanings attached to them, and the circle is no exception.

The circle itself represents the spirit and the cosmos. Further, this shape itself is structured from something (the unbroken line) and nothing (the space inside and outside this line). Therefore, this structure is thought to unify spirit and matter (including fostering the connection between the practitioner and the divine). This shape itself has great physical strength as well. We can find examples of this in modern architecture, such as with a cylindrical-shaped lighthouse that is strong enough to withstand the fierce and raging attacks of the ocean.

The power of the circle is such that it has no beginning, and no end, and is therefore considered unassailable. This power is the reason that it is used in magical activities such as ritual work or spellcasting. As many of us have experienced, the circle creates a fortress of magical, psychic and spiritual protection, a fortress that is both physically and spiritually safe where entities and uninvited guests cannot enter.

The most important naturally-occurring circles for the ancients were the sun and moon. In modern times, the sun is seen as masculine, and the moon is seen as feminine. Some scholars will argue that these celestial bodies were seen as more gender neutral, and that the common view is distorted through a historical window. The reason that the sun and moon (and even stars) were so important to the ancients was not simply for spiritual reasons, it was because they are thought to mark the passage of time. In this form, the circle commonly appears as the wheel of the year we know so well today.

Being that the circle has no divisions and no sides, it has also come to be recognized as a symbol of equality. In this article today I will be sharing with you the circle casting that SAPA has been using for most of its public events, although it's certainly is no secret. You will need no items to perform this casting and it can be performed in a solitary fashion or in a group setting. There are thousands of circle casting techniques and you may notice that this version is simply a variation of the many element-based circle casting techniques. You may call the quarters following the circle casting, however this may be a bit redundant.

The Circle of the Four Winds

1) Begin in the East, facing outward. I would recommend standing in the goddess position (however this is not entirely necessary). Focus on the element of air and when you are ready call to the winds of the East. You may use whatever verse you wish, or something as simple as this:

"I call to the winds of the East, the winds of mental strength and communication. Join me here and now in this place to protect and witness my rites."

Visualize/feel the element of air becoming present in your space and creating the boundaries of your circle. As each element is added you will visualize it joining the previous elements and creating a stronger circle. I like to visualize it as a hedge that grows taller and gradually more dense. However, you may choose a visualization that suits your practice (honestly this particular version is easy to tailor and adapt).

2) Next move to the South and facing outward, and call to the winds of the South (a.k.a Fire). If you decide to use the format provided above, simply tailor it to the direction/element.

ie: "I call to the winds of the South, the winds of passion, health and vigor. Join me here and now in this place to protect and witness my rites. "

3) Move to the West and for the element of water/winds of the West complete the same procedure. Don't forget to continue the visualizations as you move through this process.

4) Move to the North, and complete the same process for the element of earth/the winds of the North. When you have finished, and your circle feels strong and complete, move to the center of your circle. Call upon the breath of spirit and gently draw it down. Call on its sacred power to seal the circle, stomping your foot or clapping to complete the process.

5) Once you have completed your workings and are ready to close the space beginning in the East, simply move in a counter-clockwise (widdershins) direction and give thanks to/dismiss the elements. Please do not leave the circle open! There can be adverse effects from doing so. That being said, in some cultures there are sacred/protected spaces that are created with the intention for it to remain open in mind. This is not one of those practices, so please remember to practice safely and always keep your well-being in mind when you engage in any sort of spiritual practice.

Happy Casting!!

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